Clocktower Medical Centre which is one of the most renowned medical centres in Sale and is known for providing quality health care services for the local community.
All appointments to see a Doctor or Nurse are by appointment only. Please call (03) 5144 4788 and our staff are available to help. ALL requests for booking OR cancelling of appointments MUST be done via telephone, in person or on the HotDoc App.
This medical practice has a Zero Tolerance for abusive or threatening behaviour directed against staff or patients. This includes shouting, swearing, threats, name calling, racist comments and inappropriate gestures.
Without exception, abusers will be required to leave the clinic immediately and transfer their medical care to another practice. Refusal to leave will result in the police being called.
In the case of an emergency, please ring 000. If you require urgent medical attention after hours, please contact 03 5144 4788 to be connected to the on call doctor.
Outside of our operating hours, home visits may incur an out of pocket expense by the duty doctor.
Further information can be found in our New Patient Information Booklet