Q Fever

A safe and effective vaccine (Q-VAX®) is the best way to prevent Q fever infection. Vaccination is highly recommended for people who work or intend to work in high-risk occupations.

Q fever is a disease caused by bacteria that is spread to humans from animals. It can cause flu-like symptoms that can be severe. Some people experience long-term health issues following infection.

Q Fever

Cattle, sheep and goats are the main sources of infection; however, a wide range of domestic and wild animals can spread the infection to humans. Infected animals usually do not appear unwell.

People whose work puts them in contact with high-risk animals or animal products have a high risk of getting infected with Q fever. The vaccine is strongly recommended for people aged 15 years and over who work in high-risk occupations.

Those with a known allergy to egg proteins should not be vaccinated. Pregnant women, children under 15 years of age and those with weakened immune systems should obtain specialist advice before considering vaccination. For all others, pre-vaccination screening is necessary to identify who can be vaccinated.

Workers in the following occupations are at high risk of Q fever:

  • abattoir and meat workers
  • livestock and dairy farmers and farm workers
  • shearers, wool classers/sorters, pelt and hide processors
  • stockyard/feedlot workers and transporters of animals, animal products and waste
  • veterinarians, veterinary nurses/assistants/students and others working with veterinary specimens
  • wildlife workers working with high-risk animals (including Australian native wildlife)
  • agriculture college staff and students (working with high-risk animals)
  • dog/cat breeders, and anyone regularly exposed to animals who are due to give birth

Our Pre-vaccination screening consists of 3 stages:

  1. an interview with your doctor about Q fever infection or past vaccination 
  2. blood test to check for immunity
  3. skin test to check for immunity.